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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.software.nn:4263 news.answers:4430
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!usenet
- From: Bill Wohler <wohler@sap-ag.de>
- Newsgroups: news.software.nn,news.answers
- Subject: NN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers
- Supersedes: <nn-faq_723016818@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 5 Dec 1992 06:02:21 GMT
- Organization: SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany
- Lines: 1220
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 18 Jan 1993 06:02:10 GMT
- Message-ID: <nn-faq_723535330@athena.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: Bill Wohler <wohler@sap-ag.de>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- Summary: This document answers Frequently Asked Questions about NN, a
- menu-based, point and shoot, USENET news reader. It should
- be read by anyone who wishes to post to news.software.nn.
- Keywords: FAQ nn news question answer newsrc digest article nntp
- newsgroup cancel mail signature header netnews usenet kill
- X-Last-Updated: 1992/12/04
- Archive-name: nn-faq
- Last-modified: $Date: 1992/12/04 14:31:41 $
- Version: $Revision: $
- This is a living list of frequently asked questions on the Usenet
- news reader NN (No News is Good News). The point of this is to
- circulate existing information, and avoid rehashing old answers.
- Better to build on top than start again. Please read this document
- before ever posting to this newsgroup.
- This article is posted monthly. If it has already expired and
- you're not reading this, you can hope that you saved the last bit of
- question 3 so that you can get a copy yourself.
- Please do not post an answer when someone posts a frequently asked
- question, as I will always e-mail a reply. This ensures that
- everybody gets their question answered fully and eliminates
- unnecessary traffic in this newsgroup.
- Your comments, additions and fixes to this list are welcome: please
- send them to Bill Wohler <wohler@sap-ag.de>.
- Subject: Table of Contents
- From: Preface
- Legend: + new, - deleted, ! changed
- Introductory
- 1. Why should I use nn?
- !2. What is the current version/status of nn?
- !3. Where can I get nn?
- !4. What references exist for nn?
- 5. How should I report bugs?
- 6. How can I convert from rn to nn?
- 7. How can I make life simpler when starting nn for the first time?
- 8. Is there an X interface to nn?
- Building nn
- 10. What machines does nn run on?
- 11. Is it possible to restrict the groups that users have access to?
- 12. Unofficial patches for various bugs
- Using nn
- 20. How do I save files that I can read later with MH, elm, Mail, ...?
- 21. How come nn doesn't show the Lines count?
- 22. How can I find all articles having to do with a certain topic?
- 23. How can I set a different Organization name?
- 24. Can all non-selected subjects be automatically placed in my kill file?
- 25. Can I automatically kill articles based on the Newsgroups header?
- 26. How can I select one article in a thread with auto-select-subject set?
- 27. Is there a library of macros and other nn features?
- 28. Can one search for patterns in the entire article from the menu?
- 29. How can I remove old articles from folders?
- 30. What's the best way to save multi-part articles?
- 31. When saving in +a/b/c keeps you from saving in +a/b.
- !32. Can I use my mailer to send mail?
- 33. How can I see the original article with the current subject?
- !34. Can I choose newsgroups as I do articles, ie. with a menu?
- 35. How can I post prewritten articles with nn?
- 36. How do I eliminate double signatures?
- 37. Can the signature come from a different file or program?
- 38. How can I make mail replies go to a different machine?
- 39. How come more articles get selected than I expect?
- 40. Any plans for trn-ish thread following?
- 41. Setting new-group-action to "ask before adding" doesn't work.
- 42. Why does nn crash when a letter one past the highest letter is selected?
- 43. Why do articles without a Lines header appear empty?
- 44. How do I save my posts and replies automatically?
- 45. How can I change how my real name appears?
- !46. How can I customize my mail headers for mail and posting?
- +47. Can the article viewer/pager be changed?
- nnmaster
- 50. Why does nnmaster stop collecting articles at the "junk" group?
- 51. How do I cope with "Incomplete MASTER file"?
- 52. Why isn't nnmaster working?
- 53. Why do I get ".../MASTER not found"?
- Subject: Viewing This Article
- From: Preface
- To skip to a particular question numbered xx, use "/^F.*xx" with most
- pagers. In GNU Emacs type "M-C-s ^F.*xx", (or C-r to search backwards),
- followed by ESC to end the search. "-xx" is often sufficient.
- To skip to new or changed questions, use "/^S.*[!+]" with most pagers and
- "M-C-s ^S.*[!+]" in GNU Emacs.
- This article is in digest format. Nn may have already broken this
- message into separate articles; if not, then type "G %". In rn, use
- ^G to skip sections.
- This article is treated as an outline when edited by GNU Emacs.
- Run "M-x describe-mode" to see available outline-mode commands.
- Useful commands are "C-c C-s" (show-subtree) and "M-x show-all"
- Subject: Why should I use nn?
- From: Intro-1
- nn is a menu based (point and shoot) netnews reader with a complete
- set of features to satisfy both the expert and the novice user. Since
- its first release in Denmark in 1984 (!), in Europe in 1988, and the
- global release in June 1989, it has replaced rn and other well-known
- news readers at many sites.
- Some of the key features of nn are:
- * Menu-based article selection prior to reading the articles with the
- articles sorted according to subject and posting time.
- This significantly reduces the time spent on news reading. No
- keystrokes are wasted on articles you don't want to read, and only
- the articles selected on the menu will be read.
- * Release 6.4 uses standard .newsrc, and can leave individual
- articles unread.
- * Digests are automatically split and presented as ordinary articles!
- You can transparently save and respond to individual subarticles.
- * Full folder support: read, save, and delete individual articles.
- * Online help and manual.
- * Built-in unshar and patch functions.
- * Built-in uudecode function which will automatically unpack,
- concatenate, and decode multi-part postings.
- * Easy remapping of keys with advanced macro definition features.
- * Automatic kill & selection of articles based on subject or author.
- * User specified presentation sequence of news groups based on the
- news group hierarchy.
- * Whole classes of news groups can easily be unsubscribed
- permanently, e.g. talk.all and all.politics
- * Related groups can be merged and presented as a single group, e.g.
- comp.emacs and all gnu.emacs groups.
- * Blindingly fast 'search for subject'. On my Texas S1500 system, nn
- uses less than 20 seconds to find all articles on a specific
- subject among 64000 articles in all groups!
- * News collection and presentation is extremely fast, because nn uses
- its own database on top of the standard news system.
- * In a distributed environment, the database can be shared among all
- hosts on the network. Only one daemon is needed on the news server
- for all hosts. This works in a heterogenous environment as well.
- * NNTP is also supported (using a local database for speed).
- Because of the database, nn starts almost equally fast (in a few
- seconds), no matter whether you have 100 or 10000 unread articles!
- The database takes up some disk space, but dramatically improves speed
- and functionality. The amount of disk space consumed is approx. 1Mb
- per 10000 articles.
- Subject: ! What is the current version/status of nn?
- From: Intro-2
- The current version of nn is 6.4.18.
- Note: the maintenance of nn is being taken over by Peter Wemm
- <peter@zeus.dialix.oz.au>. During this transitional period, he asks
- that bugs and suggestions be posted to news.software.nn. Soon, I'm
- sure he'll have an update to this section.
- Patch 19 is in the works but has not yet reached beta-testing. It
- will include the Lines patch listed below. [12.92]
- Subject: ! Where can I get nn?
- From: Intro-3
- Note that tar files with the name of nn6.4.tar.Z (ie. not
- nn6.4.18.tar.Z) may *not* include the patches. Don't even think of
- compiling unless the PATCHLEVEL defined in patchlevel.h is 18. We
- are endeavouring to remedy the situation.
- In addition, this is a very old list. At the moment, only the
- Swedish and Canadian archives are known to carry the latest sources.
- We will be soon trying to update this list. Until then, may I
- suggest that you use archie to find the nn sources. [12.92]
- via anonymous ftp:
- chalmers.se [] [12.92]
- pub/nn/nn6.4.18.tar.Z
- pub/nn/patch??.Z
- cs.mun.ca [12.92]
- pub/news/nn6.4
- dkuug.dk []
- pub/nn6.4/nn64.tarZa[a-f] ~90k each
- pub/nn6.4/nn6.4.patch[1-16].Z ~25k each
- munnari.oz.au []
- pub/news/nn
- sirius.ucs.adelaide.edu.au []
- pub/news/nn6.4/nn6.4.tar.Z 485k
- pub/news/nn6.4/nn6.4.patch[1-10].Z ~25k each
- cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au []
- pub/nn-patches/patch[01-16].Z ~25k each
- aupair.cs.athabascau.ca
- pub/usenet/nn/nn6.4.patch18
- mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx []
- pub/nn/nn6.4.16.tar.Z
- pub/nn/nn6.4/nn6.4.patch[1-16].Z
- pub/nn/NN_FAQ_with_Answers
- ghost.dsi.unimi.it []
- pub/nn.6.4.16.tar.Z 766k
- pub/nntp.1.15.11.tar.Z 284k
- ftp.uu.net []
- news/readers/nn/nn6.4.tar.Z 485k
- news/readers/nn/nn6.4.patch[1-16].Z <30k each
- uk.ac.soton.ecs (NIFTP)
- login ID "guest", password of your mail ID (must include an "@"):
- <PUB>/nn6.4.16.tar.Z 621637
- <PUB>/nn6.4.patch[1-16].Z ~25000
- <PUB>/nntp-1.5.11.tar.Z 210319
- via anonymous uucp:
- Anyone in the U.S. can get nn source and patches by anonymous
- uucp from uunet by using their 900 number which costs 40
- cents/minute (you don't have to be a uunet subscriber). The
- number is 1-900-468-7727, login: uucp, no password. See
- uunet!~/help (~5k) for more info or get uunet!~/index/README (~4k)
- for a current full directory listing. --Gary Morris <garym@telesoft.com>
- uunet!~/news/nn/nn6.4.tar.Z (~485k)
- uunet!~/news/nn/nn6.4.patch1.Z (~15k)
- ...
- uunet!~/news/nn/nn6.4.patch16.Z (~24k)
- via mail:
- Send a note to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com whose body contains "help"
- on a line by itself get information on getting ftp sources by
- mail.
- Send a note to mail-server@nluug.nl with a body containing one or
- both of the following as desired:
- send news/nn6.4.16.tar.Z
- send news/nntp/nntp.1.5.11.tar.Z
- mini-inews:
- As well as bringing mini-inews up to date, modifications have been
- made to remove the need for MINI_INEWS_HEADERS when setting up nn.
- Mini-inews will now create whatever headers are required including
- if desired, a Lines header or an incremental Message-ID numbering
- capability. --Jim Jagielski <jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov>
- jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov [] /pub/inews16.tar.Z 76K
- Subject: ! What references exist for nn?
- From: Intro-4
- Book:
- The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog, Chapter 8. Ed Krol.
- ISBN 1-56592-025-2. $24.95. 376 pages.
- O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
- Book Orders:
- US and Canada: 800-998-9938. Fax: 707-829-0104.
- To get a list of non-US distributors, send a note to
- nuts@ora.com or call +1-707-829-0515.
- Usenet:
- news.software.nn
- Mailing list:
- NN mailing list archives:
- Papers:
- "Intro to nn"
- ux1.cso.uiuc.edu []:doc/net/nn.<format>
- where <format> is one from doc, ps, tex, jpn, and hqx.
- "A Short Guide to nn"
- unlinfo.unl.edu:pub/crc.docs/NN.doc/nn.manual.ascii
- This document:
- via anonymous ftp:
- pit-manager.mit.edu [] /pub/usenet/news.answers/nn-faq
- ftp.uu.net [] /archive/usenet/news.answers/nn-faq.Z
- cnam.cnam.fr [] /pub/FAQ/???
- grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr [] /pub/faq/???
- ftp.cs.ruu.nl [] /pub/NEWS.ANSWERS/???
- via uucp:
- uunet!/archive/usenet/news.answers/nn-faq.Z
- via mail:
- Each of the following addresses is following by commands which
- should be included as the body of the message.
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu
- send usenet/news.answers/nn-faq
- mail-server@cs.ruu.nl
- listserv@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
- Subject: How should I report bugs?
- From: Intro-5
- Note: the maintenance of nn is being taken over by Peter Wemm
- <peter@zeus.dialix.oz.au>. During this transitional period, he asks
- that bugs and suggestions be posted to news.software.nn. [9.92]
- Subject: How can I convert from rn to nn?
- From: Intro-6
- Why bother? On our system some people use nn and some people use
- rn. In fact, since they both use the same .newsrc format, it is
- perfectly possible to use both. --Ian Taylor <ian@airs.com>
- Subject: How can I make life simpler when starting nn for the first time?
- From: Intro-7
- I think a nice way is to use the catch-up facility. Start nn -a0
- and let nn catch up automatically. After some hours restart nn and
- unsubscribe to uninteresting groups having news articles. Restart
- nn the following day and continue unsubscribing.
- After one week, you have a nice .newsrc. --Joerg Napp
- <napp@uni-paderborn.de>
- Another method is to run nn, exit immediately with 'Q', edit
- ~/.newsrc and replace all occurrences of ':' with '!' and then
- replace the '!' with a ':' for those groups you're interested in.
- [9.92]
- Subject: Is there an X interface to nn?
- From: Intro-8
- No.
- Subject: What machines does nn run on?
- From: Building nn-10
- Note: the maintenance of nn is being taken over by Peter Wemm
- <peter@zeus.dialix.oz.au>. During this transitional period, he asks
- that updates to this list be posted to news.software.nn. Soon, the
- following paragraph will be updated with correct information.
- Please do not send updates to me.
- Operating systems:
- 3b1 (unix-pc) with GCC SunOS 3
- NeXT 1.0 SunOS 4.0
- AIX 2.2.1 SunOS 4.1 SysV environment
- A/UX 1.1 System V
- 4.2 BSD and Ultrix systems Motorola System V/88 Release 3
- 4.3 BSD systems Texas Instruments System 1500
- dnix 5.2 on DIAB DS90 NCR tower
- dnix 5.3 on DIAB DS90 ULTRIX systems (4.2 based)
- Dynix 3.0 on Symmetry Mips running riscos 4.0 or greater
- Fortune 32:16 Riscos 4.5 and later
- HPUX (series 300) Microport UNIX V.2
- HPUX 2.1 (series 800) Amdahl UTS 2.0
- HPUX 3.0 (series 800) SCO Xenix 2.2.1 (286) -- terminfo
- HPUX 6.5 or newer (series 300) SCO Xenix 286 -- termcap
- HPUX 7.0 Xenix386 [termcap version]
- Interactive UNIX on 386 Xenix386 2.3.2 w/development system
- Dynix/PTX on symmetry Tandy 68000/Xenix 3.2
- Pyramid (and Targon 35)
- SCO UNIX V on 386
- IRIX 3.1/3.2
- Siemens SINIX
- Hardware platforms:
- 3b1 with GCC [no networking] MIPS processors
- Amdahl 5890 (big iron) Siemens MX300
- AT&T 3b2 Pyramid (and Targon 35)
- Convex IBM 6150
- DECstation 3100 Silicon Graphics 4D series
- Gould PN6000 SPARC processors
- HP9000 series 320 and 800 (at least) 80386 based SUNs [have network support]
- Intel 80286 [no networking] Sequent Symmetry
- Intel 80386 [no networking] VAX family
- Motorola 68000 family
- Motorola 88000 risc
- Subject: Is it possible to restrict the groups that users have access to?
- From: Building nn-11
- Create a new group for the people who can read the special groups.
- Call it "privnews", for example. (In /etc/group put the userid of
- each person who's in that group on that group's line.) Then change
- the group of the spool directory which contains the restricted
- newsgroup to "privnews" (leaving the owner as news), and set the
- mode to 750. --Alexis Rosen <alexis@panix.com>
- Subject: Unofficial patches for various bugs
- From: Building nn-12
- Several bugs have been reported and fixed and the patches are
- available here for those not patient enough to wait until the next
- release.
- Remember, these are *unofficial* patches so back them out before
- patching in the next release of nn. You do not have to strip the
- two leading spaces before these patches. In fact you can run "patch
- -s -N < this-entire-faq", within the newsreader even!
- The following patch fixes NN dateline parsing. Also, NN mishandles
- non-GMT time zones near short month boundaries due to NN's, er,
- somewhat unusual time stamp encoding. It will be included in an
- upcoming Patch 19. [12.92]
- *** old/pack_date.c Wed Apr 17 01:32:40 1991
- --- new/pack_date.c Thu Jun 4 20:03:02 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,9 ****
- --- 4,11 ----
- * Calculate an approximate "time_stamp" value for a date
- * string. The actual value is not at all critical,
- * as long as the "ordering" is ok.
- + * The current algorithm mishandles non-GMT time zones near
- + * short month boundaries, but this is rare in real news.
- *
- * The result is NOT a time_t value, i.e. ctime() will
- * not produce the original Date string.
- ***************
- *** 256,262 ****
- res *= 24 * 60;
- res += (hour * 60) + min;
- ! return res + tzone(date);
- }
- --- 258,264 ----
- res *= 24 * 60;
- res += (hour * 60) + min;
- ! return res - tzone(date);
- }
- --Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Subject: Can I set up nn securely?
- From: Building nn-13
- Diffs are unfortunately not included, but this is what you can do:
- o Set shell-restrictions in the setup file.
- o Set and lock *every* variable which is used to execute commands.
- o Modify the source to avoid display/save/print files above the
- home-directory if shell-restrictions is set (mainly in save.c).
- o Modify the source to avoid changing directories if shell-restrictions
- is set.
- o Modify the source to avoid showing the contents of locked variables.
- In particular, the following variables should be locked:
- backup-folder-path, backup-suffix, bug-report-address, decode-header-file,
- editor, folder, inews, mail, mail-record, mailer, news-record, newsrc,
- pager, patch-command, printer, record, spell-checker, unshar-header-file
- Subject: How do I save files that I can read later with MH, elm, Mail, ...?
- From: Using nn-20
- MH:
- Save your files with +$F/$N. For example, if you save message 10
- in news.software.nn in this way, you will create a file called
- ~/News/news/software/nn/10. If you have a symbolic link from
- ~/Mail/news to ~/News, then you can look at your saved nn
- messages with "scan +news/news/software/nn".
- Mail
- Add "set mail-format" to your init file.
- Subject: How come nn doesn't show the Lines count?
- From: Using nn-21
- Karl Kleinpaste writes:
- C News sites can turn on Lines: header creation (we do here), but
- the default has it turned off. I wish more would turn it on, as
- several newsreaders put it to use, and it's the most easily
- available metric of article size when showing the user a menu of
- available articles.
- Henry Spencer replies:
- We're unenthusiastic about Lines:, which is why it's off by default
- and little-documented. *The* most easily available metric of
- article size is not line count -- which is often slightly wrong, by
- the way -- but byte count, which is available without even parsing
- the headers.
- You can tell C News to add Lines: headers to articles *posted*
- locally, but C News has no provision for adding headers to traffic
- coming in from other sites. [Specifically, search for the string
- "uncomment" in inews, and uncomment those lines. --bw]
- But Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com> and Luc Rooijakkers
- <lwj@cs.kun.nl> provide a solution:
- Remember, these are *unofficial* patches so back them out before
- patching in the next release of nn. You do not have to strip the
- two leading spaces before these patches. In fact you can run "patch
- -s -N < this-entire-faq", within the newsreader even! This patch
- will be included in the upcoming Patch 19. [12.92]
- ===================================================================
- RCS file: news.c,v
- retrieving revision 1.1
- diff -c2 -r1.1 news.c
- *** news.c 1990/10/23 21:37:38 1.1
- --- news.c 1992/06/19 23:17:05
- ***************
- *** 231,235 ****
- char *parse_header();
- struct stat statb;
- ! int retry;
- FILE *f;
- #ifdef NNTP
- --- 231,235 ----
- char *parse_header();
- struct stat statb;
- ! int c, retry;
- FILE *f;
- #ifdef NNTP
- ***************
- *** 300,309 ****
- body = parse_header(f, art_hdr_field, modes, buffer1);
- - news.ng_lines = news.ng_xlines ? atoi(news.ng_xlines) : -1;
- if (news.ng_from == NULL) news.ng_from = news.ng_sender;
- ! if (modes & FILL_OFFSETS) {
- art->fpos = news.ng_fpos = ftell(f);
- fseek(f, (off_t)0, 2);
- news.ng_lpos = ftell(f);
- --- 300,328 ----
- body = parse_header(f, art_hdr_field, modes, buffer1);
- if (news.ng_from == NULL) news.ng_from = news.ng_sender;
- ! if (modes & FILL_OFFSETS)
- art->fpos = news.ng_fpos = ftell(f);
- + if (news.ng_xlines)
- + news.ng_lines = atoi(news.ng_xlines);
- + else {
- + #ifdef NNTP
- + if (use_nntp && lazy) {
- + off_t fpos = ftell(f);
- + fclose(f);
- + f = nntp_get_article(art->a_number, 2);
- + if (f == NULL) return NULL;
- + lazy = 0;
- + fseek(f, fpos, 0);
- + }
- + #endif
- + news.ng_lines = 0;
- + while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF)
- + if (c == '\n')
- + news.ng_lines++;
- + }
- +
- + if (modes & FILL_OFFSETS) {
- fseek(f, (off_t)0, 2);
- news.ng_lpos = ftell(f);
- Subject: How can I find all articles having to do with a certain topic?
- From: Using nn-22
- nngrab invokes nn on all articles whose subject or keyword fields
- contain a desired keyword. This shows one how important it is to
- use descriptive subjects and keywords when posting articles. For
- more information, read the manual page.
- Subject: How can I set a different Organization name?
- From: Using nn-23
- See "How can I update my mail headers?" [9.92]
- Subject: Can all non-selected subjects be automatically placed in my kill file?
- From: Using nn-24
- This is on the list of things to do.
- Subject: Can I automatically kill articles based on the Newsgroups header?
- From: Using nn-25
- This is how one can automatically kill crossposted articles, etc.
- First, manually either add the following to your .newsrc to mark all
- articles read forever:
- alt.flame: 1-2147483647
- or add the following to your .nn/kill file to kill all articles in
- the group:
- alt.flame:!s/:^
- The former method may break down if you ever use nngoback to reset
- numbers in your .newsrc. The latter method could cause difficulty
- if you ever actually want to read articles in that group.
- Near the top of your sequence in your init file put
- !alt.flame.
- alt.flame
- This makes alt.flame, but not its subgroups, be included as the first
- thing in your sequence; so all articles in it are killed before they
- appear in any other groups. You might want to put NEW above this so
- you can see if new groups are getting off to a bad start with lots of
- alt.flame crossposting. Later in the sequence put
- % alt %
- This allows the rest of the alt hierarchy, including subgroups such
- as alt.flame.spelling (if you subscribe to it), to get included at
- that point in the sequence.
- Along with using the default settings of cross-filter-seq=true and
- cross-post=false, this works fine to nuke the crossposted articles.
- --Richard M. Mathews <richard@locus.com> & Dave Shaver <shaver@convex.com>
- Subject: How can I select one article in a thread with auto-select-subject set?
- From: Using nn-26
- Define the following macro to toggle auto-select-subject. --Steven
- Grady <grady@fx.com>
- map menu A (
- :local auto-select-subject
- :toggle auto-select-subject
- ?auto-select-subject=on echo "Auto-select on"
- ?auto-select-subject=off echo "Auto-select off"
- )
- Use the '.' command.
- Subject: Is there a library of macros and other nn features?
- From: Using nn-27
- When complete, it will be a companion posting to this one. If you
- have not mailed me <wohler@sap-ag.de> your init file, or you have
- made substantial changes since the last time, please send it in. If
- anyone is handy in perl or awk and would like to write some scripts
- to reduce multiple init files to variable summaries (like the one I
- posted a long time ago), macro definitions and presentation sequence
- tricks, I would like to talk to you.
- Subject: Can one search for patterns in the entire article from the menu?
- From: Using nn-28
- No.
- Subject: How can I remove old articles from folders?
- From: Using nn-29
- Just open the folder in the usual way and C(ancel) the articles you
- want to remove from the folder. When you leave the folder, nn will
- rewrite the folder with the "cancel"ed articles removed. --Kim
- Storm <storm@olicom.dk>
- Subject: What's the best way to save multi-part articles?
- From: Using nn-30
- All you have to do is to save the articles from the menu, e.g.
- W(rite) +file.* a b c d... <space>
- where a b c d... are the articles on the menu you want to save. You
- can also save the selected articles on the menu with * (only on
- current page) or + (on all menu pages). --Kim Storm <storm@olicom.dk>
- Subject: When saving in +a/b/c keeps you from saving in +a/b.
- From: Using nn-31
- This happens when default-save-file is $F. Try changing
- default-save-file to $F/$N (my favorite) to get, for example,
- +news/software/nn/1022, or $G to put everything in
- +news.software.nn. Finally, if you really did want the behavior of
- +$F, a compromise would be to use +$F. (Andrew's favorite) instead
- (one can use anything other than '.'). --Bill Wohler & Andrew Swann
- <swann@imada.ou.dk>
- Alternatively, use +$F/$L, to place articles for news.software.nn in
- the file +/news/software/nn/nn. This has two advantages:
- 1) You can later read through the folder "nn" and save some of the
- articles under new folder names having to do with the topic. For
- example, you might save auto-select topics under +$F/auto-sel,
- that is, +/news/software/nn/auto-sel.
- 2) If at a later date, a new newsgroup is added below nn, articles
- can still be saved under that subgroup since +/news/software/nn is
- already a directory, not a folder. --Harry Herman <herman@corpane.uucp>
- Subject: ! Can I use my mailer to send mail?
- From: Using nn-32
- Yes. See the variables mail-alias-expander, mail-script, mailer,
- and mailer-pipe-input. The following show how you can have nn look
- up mail aliases, and use elm and MH to mail messages. [9.92]
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # nn-expand-mail-alias -- expands aliases from ~/.mailrc file for nn.
- #
- # To use, put the following in your ~/.nn/init file:
- #
- # set mail-alias-expander nn-expand-mail-alias
- # and put this file somewhere in your path, making it executable. I use
- # set mail-alias-expander /usr/local/lib/nn-expand-mail-alias
- # but the choice is up to you.
- #
- # Written by Scott Hannahs, Bitter National Magnet Lab, MIT, August 1991
- # Complaints, comments, ideas to sth@slipknot.mit.edu
- # Tested on Silicon Graphics, IRIX 3.3.1
- #
- # Minor banging by <rreiner@nexus.yorku.ca> to handle alias value fields
- # which contain doublequote characters, e.g.
- #
- # alias Foo "Foobar the Great <foo@bar.com>"
- #
- # (the doublequotes are stripped in the expansion), and to handle multiple
- # spaces after the token "alias".
- #
- # Also added some error detection and signal traps; tested on SunOS 4.1.1.
- #
- # Exit codes: 0 -- normal termination
- # 1 -- parm error
- # 2 -- file does not exist
- # 3 -- trap
- #
- # Thanks to bug reports from
- # Andy Jacobs and others
- #
- if [ z$1 = z ]; then
- myname=`basename $0`
- echo "$myname: usage is $myname workfile"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
- myname=`basename $0`
- echo "$myname: $1 does not exist or is a directory"
- exit 2
- fi
- TMP_DIR=/usr/tmp
- trap "rm -f ${TMP_DIR}/nn.alias.$$ ; exit 3" 0 1 2 3 15
- ADDRESS_LIST="`head -1 $1 | sed -e s/To://`"
- until [ "$ALIAS_LIST" = "$ADDRESS_LIST" ] ; do
- ALIAS_LIST="`echo "$ADDRESS_LIST"| sed -e 's/,/ /g' `"
- for ALIAS in $ALIAS_LIST ; do
- ADDRESS=`grep '^[ ]*alias[ ][ ]*'"$ALIAS"'[ ]' ${HOME}/.mailrc |\
- sed -e s/'^[ ]*alias[ ][ ]*'"$ALIAS"'[ ][ ]*'// |\
- sed -e s/'"'//g`
- if [ "$ADDRESS" ] ; then
- else
- # for elm alias expansion use the following line instead of the previous.
- # ADDRESS_LIST="$ADDRESS_LIST "`elm -c "$ALIAS" | cut -f3 -d\ `
- fi
- done
- done
- echo "To:${ADDRESS_LIST}" > ${TMP_DIR}/nn.alias.$$
- tail +2 $1 >> ${TMP_DIR}/nn.alias.$$
- mv -f ${TMP_DIR}/nn.alias.$$ $1
- exit 0
- The original idea of using MH (namely, comp) to send mail from nn
- came from Jaap Vermeulen <jaap@sequent.com>, but he wouldn't
- recognize what I did to it. I also used a suggestion from John
- Romine <jromine@ics.uci.edu> and Tom McCain.
- Add
- set mail-script nn-use-mh
- to your init file, where nn-use-mh is the following:
- #!/bin/sh
- # Obtain value of $WORK and $RECORD
- . ${HOME}/.nn/.param
- # Append Fcc: +folder to headers. The folder is specified in
- # mail-record.
- if [ "$RECORD" != "" ]; then
- awk '
- {
- if ($0 == "" && !done) {
- print "Fcc: +'$RECORD'";
- done = 1;
- }
- print;
- }' $WORK > /tmp/aux.$$ && mv /tmp/aux.$$ $WORK
- fi
- # Compose and send the mail
- comp -form $WORK
- In addition, you can contact Ray Davis <rdavis@convex.com> for some
- scripts that sort of turn nn into a MH front end by providing macros
- to save, delete and refile articles in MH folders.
- Here is an example to use elm to send the messages.
- Add the following to ~/.nn/init:
- set mailer nn_elm
- unset mailer-pipe-input
- Here is nn_elm:
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # nn_elm
- #
- # 07 Aug 91 V1.0
- #
- # Massage a mail message from nn into a form that elm can use
- # (c) 1991 Phil Kernick <phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au> Wizard Software
- #
- eval `awk '
- FS = ":";
- dq = sprintf("%c", 34);
- headers = 0;
- to = "";
- subject = "";
- }
- /^.*: / {
- headers++;
- if($1 == "To")
- to = dq substr($0, 5) dq;
- if($1 == "Subject")
- subject = dq substr($0, 10) dq;
- }
- /^$/ {
- printf("tail +%d %s | elm -s %s %s > /dev/null\n", headers+2, mail, subject, to);
- exit;
- }' mail=$1 $1`
- exit $?
- Subject: How can I see the original article with the current subject?
- From: Using nn-33
- While reading an article, use "G RET RET RET".
- Subject: ! Can I choose newsgroups as I do articles, ie. with a menu?
- From: Using nn-34
- No, not yet. Sorry. However, progress in this direction has been
- made--if you care to finish the work, please contact Peter Wemm
- <peter@zeus.dialix.oz.au>. [12.92]
- Subject: How can I post prewritten articles with nn?
- From: Using nn-35
- nnpost will construct the header for the posted article, so it
- requires several arguments to be specified before the article is
- posted, e.g. a newsgroup name and a subject. If some arguments are
- missing, nnpost will prompt for the missing arguments.
- If your pre-written article includes a full header, then you should
- not use nnpost; instead you should feed the article to "inews -h"
- directly (which is what nnpost does after building the header from
- the arguments). --Kim Storm <storm@olicom.dk>
- Subject: How do I eliminate double signatures?
- From: Using nn-36
- Double signatures occur when both nn and inews append $HOME/.signature.
- If you want just inews to append your signature, use:
- unset append-signature-post
- This is actually the default, but you can unset this variable if
- your nn administrator has mistakenly turned it on.
- If you want just nn to append your signature, move your signature to
- some other place than $HOME/.signature. Then see, "Can the signature
- come from a different file or program?"
- Subject: Can the signature come from a different file or program?
- From: Using nn-37
- If you want nn to append your .signature file, you can copy nn's aux
- file (ie. /usr/local/lib/nn/aux) to your .nn directory and set the
- mail-script and news-script variables to ~/.nn/aux. In your copy of
- the aux script, you can either specify a different place for your
- .signature file (like $HOME/.nn/signature) or you can get fancy: you
- can use specific .signatures for certain groups (saved in variable
- "G"), or use the output of a program. --Bill Wohler
- Tired of the same old signature? Want different signatures for
- different newsgroups? Here's a program to help you out.
- The way it works is to have .signature be a named pipe, so if you
- don't have named points, just say 'n'.
- The sigrand program then feeds stuff down the pipe everytime someone
- wants to read it. That way it works for more than just news, but
- for anything that wants to read your .signature, like a mailer.
- You have your choice of three kinds of signatures:
- 1) random (short) fortune from "fortune -s"; you get these if
- you don't have a global sig file.
- 2) random fortune from ~/News/SIGNATURES [global sig file]
- 3) random fortune form ~/News/(newsgroup)/SIGNATURES [local sig files]
- Ask Tom Christiansen <tchrist@convex.com> for more details.
- Subject: How can I make mail replies go to a different machine?
- From: Using nn-38
- See "How can I update my mail headers?" [9.92]
- Subject: How come more articles get selected than I expect?
- From: Using nn-39
- Check the setting of subject-match-parts. If this is on, then your subjects
- are considered matched if they match up to the first digit. For example
- if subject-match-parts is on, the subjects:
- someprogram Part 1/5
- someprogram Part 2/5
- are considered matches. So are
- v12345: someprogram Part 1/5
- v12346: anotherprogram Part 1/23
- as the "v" is identical up to the first digit. If you want to use
- subject-match-parts in a "comp.sources" type group, set
- subject-match-offset (the character position that matches are
- started from) to be beyond any digits that might appear in the first
- part of the subject. --Dave Hayes <dave@elxr.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Subject: Any plans for trn-ish thread following?
- From: Using nn-40
- At the moment, no.
- Subject: Setting new-group-action to "ask before adding" doesn't work.
- From: Using nn-41
- Take NEW out of your sequence--it's redundant.
- Subject: Why does nn crash when a letter one past the highest letter is selected?
- From: Using nn-42
- This is fixed in patch 17. [9.92]
- Your terminal modes will be screwed up after such an event, so
- you'll have to type ^J (or LINE-FEED) repeatedly until a prompt is
- seen, and then run
- stty -sane^J
- or
- reset
- Subject: Why do articles without a Lines header appear empty?
- From: Using nn-43
- This problem only shows up if you have header-lines set to a string
- that includes "L". It is suspected that having the line count patch
- sets something that makes nn think there is a Lines header and then
- the header-string is telling it to display the Lines header but
- there isn't one and things get messed up. --Gary Morris
- <garym@telesoft.com>
- Subject: How do I save my posts, followups and replies automatically?
- From: Using nn-44
- In your nn init file, use the following lines:
- set news-record file
- set mail-record file
- to place posts and followups in one file and replies in another, or
- to put everything in a single file, use:
- set record file
- Replace "file" with the absolute path (~ == home directory ok) of
- your desired file. All files are saved in mailbox format. --Don
- Mullins <mullins@convex.com> [9.92]
- Subject: How can I change how my real name appears?
- From: Using nn-45
- On BSD Unix systems, you can run the command chfn(1) to change
- your real name. If you don't want to do this, or can't, please
- see "How can I update my mail headers?" [9.92]
- Subject: ! How can I customize my mail headers for mail and posting?
- From: Using nn-46
- Headers can be modified or appended to by creating the variables
- mail-header (for replies) and news-header (for posts and followups)
- in the init file. You can include any headers that you want;
- separate multiple headers with semi-colons. For example:
- set mail-header From: Joe Smith <js@cc.edu>;Reply-To: js@cc.edu;
- Organization: CC University
- set news-header From: Joe Smith <js@cc.edu>;Reply-To: js@cc.edu;
- Organization: CC University
- Note that these lines are split for readability--the value of these
- variables must appear on a single line. In addition, do not insert a
- space between semi-colons and the next header.
- A Reply-To header is useful when your system generates either an
- unwanted or blatantly wrong return address for you. If this header
- is present, then mailers use it instead of the system generated From
- header.
- A From header is useful when you want to change how your real name
- appears to nn readers, but you don't want to change it (or can't) on
- your system. Warning: only do this if you're sure you can create a
- RFC 822 compliant From header. [9.92]
- Subject: + Can the article viewer/pager be changed?
- From: Using nn-47
- No. And for good reason. There are too many commands in nn's pager
- that less, for example, doesn't know anything about.
- Subject: Why does nnmaster stop collecting articles at the "junk" group?
- From: nnmaster-50
- This can occur when you access news via NNTP. Older nntp servers
- have a limitation of 4000 articles in a group, and junk may easily
- exceed this which makes the nntp server crash.
- To overcome the problem, edit the GROUPS file to add the X flag on
- the junk group, run nnmaster -G, and then nnmaster will ignore the
- junk group. --Kim Storm <storm@olicom.dk>
- In nntp_dir/common/conf.h, you can either increase MAX_GROUPS
- (normally 4096) or you can set #define DYNAMIC_ART_ARRAY (normally
- #undefed). In either case, you obviously have to recompile nntp.
- But you can also add new groups on a regular basis, rather than
- letting junk build up to huge proportions. --Mark Rawling
- <Mark.Rawling@mel.dit.csiro.au>
- Subject: How do I cope with "Incomplete MASTER file"?
- From: nnmaster-51
- See "Why isn't nnmaster working?"
- Subject: Why isn't nnmaster working?
- From: nnmaster-52
- After the make, did you remember to:
- Run ./inst <options> to install the files?
- Run ./inst INIT to initialize the database?
- Nnmaster mails error messages to the user who owns him (typically
- "news"). Check this mailbox for clues.
- If nnmaster -r or -D did not work, then neither did nnmaster -I (or
- ./inst INIT from the install directory). Once you fix the
- permissions (see Paul's answer below), you need to rerun the
- initialization step. --Stew Ellis <ellis@nova.gmi.edu>
- If nnmaster dies and updates the Log file with "Incomplete MASTER
- file", it could be you're not running the latest version. --David
- R. Hieb <David.R.Hieb@magi.rootgroup.com>
- If, when you start your nnmaster, it just exits quietly, it could be
- that your permissions are incorrect. Ensure that all directories in
- the nn library are owned by news (or the owner that you configured
- nn with). --Paul Bickerstaff <pbickers@tamaluit.phys.uidaho.edu>
- Make sure that there is a 'news' entry in passwd and group since
- nnmaster is run setuid/setgid to news and the files and directories
- that nnmaster needs to access are owned and writable by news. --Jim
- Jagielski <jim@jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov> [9.92]
- Another problem could be in the way it is started. Two related
- solutions are presented.
- /etc/rc exits before the child has had the chance to setpgrp().
- Putting "sleep 5" at the end of /etc/rc fixed it. --David B. Thomas
- <dt@yenta.alb.nm.us>
- Another similar solution involved inserting a "sleep 10" at the
- beginning of /etc/daemons/nnmaster.init file.
- --Jeffery Small <jeff@cjsa.wa.com>
- It could be you're not running the latest version. --David R. Hieb
- <David.R.Hieb@magi.rootgroup.com>
- Subject: Why do I get ".../MASTER not found"?
- From: nnmaster-53
- The problem of the NN port to the Atari ST is, that you have to
- build an "active" file (NN format, not HERMES-like!!) in
- /usr/lib/news before running nnadmin -I.
- You can build this file by using the included "buildact.tos."
- Buildact.tos creates a UNIX-like /usr/lib/news/active from
- /usr/lib/hermes/active. [9.92]
- Subject: Glossary
- From: Appendix
- NNTP Network News Transport Protocol (see RFC 977)
- Subject: Acknowledgements
- From: Appendix
- I'd like to thank the following people for providing ideas on the
- layout of this article:
- Joe Wells <jbw@bigbird.bu.edu> Richard M. Stallman <rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
- David Elliott <dce@smsc.sony.com> Tom Christiansen <tchrist@convex.com>
- Eugene N. Miya <eugene@nas.nasa.gov>
- We are also grateful to the individuals mentioned below and in the
- text of this document who have provided answers or other information
- to make this a better document. I regret that it is possible that
- some names have been accidently omitted. I would also like to thank
- all the readers of news.software.nn.
- Kim Storm <storm@olicom.dk> Sven Guckes <guckes@math.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Warranty
- From: Appendix
- [The following statement epitomizes the ridiculous state of affairs in
- our country (I'm an American) and can be ignored outside the US...]
- No Warranty: Because this article is provided free of charge as a
- service to news.software.nn readers, we provide absolutely no
- warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable state law. This
- article is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
- warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
- Should the information prove defective, you assume the cost of all
- necessary servicing, repair or correction.
- Local Variables:
- mode: outline
- outline-regexp: "^Subject:"
- fill-prefix: " "
- eval: (progn (setq buffer-read-only nil) (hide-body))
- End: